On July 18, 2013, more than 30 municipal representatives and project partners of the SONDAR network met at the beautiful municipality of SKALICA in Slovakia.
Mayor Stanislav Chovanec, Eng. welcomed the large number of participants of the SONDAR workshop. Subsequently, numerous presentations on the topics of soil conservation and sustainability in the Danube region were given. After lunch, a lively discussion on the topic of soil conservation and cross-border projects for sustainable regional development took place.
Subsequent to this workshop, the municipal representatives invited to a guided tour through the historic center of Skalica. There was much interest in this workshop, and thus even the regional TV was present to report on this event. In conclusion, the soil colour painting, signed by the participants, was handed over to the municipality of Skalica.
We give our thanks for the hospitality we received, and are looking forward to further committed cooperation!
Otvorenie / Opening
Ing. Stanislav Chovanec, primátor mesta SKALICA / Mayor of Skalica town
Pozdravenie organizátorom / Organizer greetings
Bernhard Kuderer, MSc, BIENE - Verein Boden- und Bioenergie Netzwerk NÖ/EU
Ing. Peter Panenka, Vodohospodárska výstavba, š.p.
Príležitosti a možnosti plynúce z členstva v ELSA / ELSA membership oportunities
Dipl. Ing. Christian Steiner, predseda ELSA European Land and Soil Alliance, Rakúsko a vedúci oddelenia rozvoja regiónu Dolné Rakúsko, Sankt Pölten, Rakúsko
Výskumný ústav pôdoznalectva a ochrany pôdy ako Národné koordinačné centrum ELSA na Slovensku /
VUPOP as a National coordination centre of ELSA in Slovakia
Doc. RNDr. Jaroslava Sobocká, CSc., Výskumný ústav pôdoznalectva a ochrany pôdy, Bratislava
Aktivity projektu SONDAR SK-AT / SONDAR SK-AT project activities
Ing. Peter Panenka, Vodohospodárska výstavba š.p., hlavný cezhraničný partner
Riešenie odtokových pomerov a erózie pôdy v povodí na príklade modelového územia obce Nová Lhota / Solution of drainage conditions and soil erosion in the model catchment area of village Nová Lhota
Doc. Ing. Miroslav Dumbrovský, CSc., Vysoké učení technické v Brne, Česká republika
12:00 - 13:00 Obed / Lunch
Aktivity organizované v Novej Lhote v rámci Európskej aliancie pre krajinu a pôdu / Activities organized in Nova Lhota in the frame of ELSA
Mgr. Antonín Okénka, starosta obce Nová Lhota, Česká republika, člen a NCC ELSA
Spolupráca obcí, podnikateľov a štátnej správy v oblasti ochrany životného prostredia / Cooperation of municipalities, businesses and governmental authorities in the field of environmental protection
Ing. Jan Vybíral, riaditeľ Biosférickej rezervácie Dolní Morava, o.p.s., Česká republika
26. & 27.3.2014
21st Conference of the Working Community of the Danube Regions
in Tulln an der Donau (Austria)
14. - 16.5.2014
ELSA & SONDAR CZ-AT Conference
in Lednice (Czech Republic)
Bernhard Kuderer, MSc.
Soil and Energy Network of European Countries - BIENE Association
0043 676 751 33 73
Peter Panenka
Vodohospodárska výstavba, š.p.
telefón: +421 906 31 1544
mobil: +421 903 734 405