
Day of Film Shooting at Angern / Morava River and Visit to the Mayor of ZahorskaVes


„Clapperboard and action" was the slogan on January 31, 2012 at Angern/Morava River, as well as at Zahorska Ves in Slovakia. Within the course of the SONDAR SK-AT project (Soil Strategy Network in the Danube Region) a day of film shooting with the topic "soil-water-interaction" took place. Despite the ice cold, along the bank of the Morava river interviews were recorded concerning the topic of soil and water, and a soil sampling was performed and explained by project partners at Angern.

After a short warming-up, the team crossed the Morava river on a ferry, and landed at Zahorska Ves. There the meeting with Mayor Dr. iur. Boris Šimkovič was an overwhelming success. He showed great interest for the topic of soil, and received information about all activities of the project.


26. & 27.3.2014
21st Conference of the Working Community of the Danube Regions

in Tulln an der Donau (Austria)

14. - 16.5.2014
ELSA & SONDAR CZ-AT Conference

in Lednice (Czech Republic)


Bernhard Kuderer, MSc.

Soil and Energy Network of European Countries - BIENE Association

0043 676 751 33 73


Zodpovedná osoba:

Peter Panenka

Vodohospodárska výstavba, š.p.

telefón: +421 906 31 1544
mobil: +421 903 734 405
