
Municipal Soil Conservation Mandatories within the Framework of SONDAR: Soil Conservation Training Course of the Climate Alliance Austria


Vienna (June 26) - 14 municipal soil conservation mandatories have been characterized at Seeham in Salzburg

Christina Trah and Klemens Rybaczek attended the training course within the framework of the cross-border SONDAR project. They have immediately made use of the knowledge acquired and implemented it by means of a project work. The title of the common work is "Painting with the Colours of the Earth - competition for school girls and boys".

The soil conservation training course

It is the aim of this training course, organized by the Climate Alliance Austria, to increasingly consider soil conservation in municipalities. The spheres of activity reach from designation of areas and expansion of settlements, civil and structural engineering and flood protection to decisions bearing effects upon agriculture. "On a local and municipal level, especially in the field of soil much can be contributed towards climate protection. The training course shows possibilities, offers the knowledge required, and provides tools for practice", states Martina Nagl, Grad. Eng. from the Climate Alliance Austria.

The training course for "municipal soil conservation mandatories" has been implemented in cooperation with the Austrian Ministry of Agriculture, "die umweltberatung" (environmental counsellors), the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences Vienna, the municipalities of Kirchberg/Pielach and Seeham, the provinces of Lower Austria and Salzburg, the small region of Pielachtal valley, the lead region of Mostviertel Center, and the regional association of Salzburg Lake District.

The Climate Alliance training courses for municipalities

The Climate Alliance offers three training courses for representatives of municipalities of in the meantime more than 900 member municipalities. Beside the soil conservation training course, municipal mobility and climate protection mandatories are trained. 219 municipal representatives have already attended this education and training. The next training course for municipal climate mandatories starts in September in Tyrol.


26. & 27.3.2014
21st Conference of the Working Community of the Danube Regions

in Tulln an der Donau (Austria)

14. - 16.5.2014
ELSA & SONDAR CZ-AT Conference

in Lednice (Czech Republic)


Bernhard Kuderer, MSc.

Soil and Energy Network of European Countries - BIENE Association

0043 676 751 33 73


Zodpovedná osoba:

Peter Panenka

Vodohospodárska výstavba, š.p.

telefón: +421 906 31 1544
mobil: +421 903 734 405
