Kick-off of SONDAR CZ at the Soil Celebration at the Lower Austrian Provincial Museum


The soil celebration and at the same time the kick-off event of the SONDAR CZ (Soil Strategy Network in the Danube Region) ETC project took place as a climax of the exposition of "Pebble & Tassel" on October 21 in the Provincial Museum.


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Nomination as a SONDAR Ambassador and Initial Lecture of Univ-Prof. Dr. Walter W. Wenzel, Grad. Eng.


On October 1st, 2012, at the atrium of the IFA Tulln the initial lecture of Walter Wenzel was held on the topic of "Soils in a Global Change".

Moderator Univ.-Prof. Dr. Karl Stampfer, Grad. Eng. hosted the evening ceremony. Rector Univ.-Prof. DDDr.

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SONDAR Field Trip to Angern/Stillfried, Niedersulz and Kleinweikersdorf


On July 5, 2012 a field day took place to the possible target area of the project within the framework of the SONDAR CZ-AT project with the support of the Lower Austrian Government, Department of Rural Development. In the morning, the impressive soil profiles at Stillfried were visited, and

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Flexibles Begrünungsmanagement im Weinbau

Familie Pamperl, 2023 Nappersdorf, Kleinweikersdorf 35

14. - 16.5.2014
ELSA & SONDAR CZ-AT Conference

Multifunction centre Lednice Château

SONDAR CZ-AT Excursion

Researuch Institute for Fodder Crops, Troubsko

Contact AT: 

Bernhard Kuderer, MSc.
Soil and Energy Network of European Countries - BIENE Association

0043 676 751 33 73

Contact CZ:

Antonín Okénka
Municipality of Nová Lhota

0042 0724 168 208